Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts. You do make a fair point, though I'd argue that this is a very limited and cynical framing of the potential of these stories that fit squarely, at least for me, in the mythic tradition.
I'd argue that, at least in Marvel's comics and that Green Lantern and Green Arrow series, wrestling with that question of power was happening pre-Moore. Now, he and the others you mention, take that cynical view of superheroes and turn out great stories. Yet, that's not the only way to look at them, even at their Silver Age silliest.
I lay all that out in the thing, so I won't belabor the points here. I think these stories give people something that myths and those that graduated to real religions give people, but they have the decency to admit the stories are pretend up front. Still, I'm thankful for your perspective and readership.