Well, excellent reportage there. I am going by what my mother told me, as I don’t really remember it. She wasn’t going to let a little thing like a newborn infant keep her from Harrison Ford’s jawline.
But I was lucky because the third-run theater I grew up a block away from wouldn’t get movies until more than a year after it released. I was five when I saw Jedi in the theater. Bellevue Cinema also showed them a lot when I was little. I don’t think know if it was legal but the people who ran it were the best kind of sketchy. Still, it was one of the first places I was allowed to walk to by myself. Again, I don’t have exact numbers but I saw Star Wars, mostly RotJ there dozens of times.
I definitely remember they played all three Star Wars movies on weekdays during the summer when I was like five or six. I thought they did it a bunch, but you’ve got me interrogating my memory now. It may have just been the once. A bunch of my friends hadn’t seen it all until then. I went every chance I could.
I also remember similar Indiana Jones’ triple features during Last Crusade’s time. They did it with the Star Treks, too. At least Wrath of Khan to Voyage Home. Oh and the Rocky movies! I don’t really fuck with those, but my friends can’t get enough of them. They did stop doing it around 1990, maybe they got in trouble? Memory is funny and unreliable. Still, thanks for reading and keeping me honest.